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Ðóññêàÿ âåðñèÿ English version

An industrial heating boiler with 10:1 turndown ratio? 1) Or a steam generator which works in a room without a smoke stack? Yes, it is possible! Since 1997, the Interblock engineering company deploys heating equipment of such outstanding character. Today it works in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Poland, at more than 200 enterprises: concrete plants, metallurgical companies, oil refinery plants, food industry companies and many others.

That’s not just about heating equipment. It cannot start working by itself. Each time it is necessary to create a unique energy system which fits the client’s specific needs. We devise complex solutions taking into account numerous initial conditions. Then we implement heating systems and maintain their operation during many years2). Interblock means outstanding equipment, experienced engineers and technicians and dozens of faultlessly working boiler houses and rooms.

The main point is to get your boiler house up and running before winter begins. Although we can deploy and launch a heating system in a few weeks or even days, autumn for us starts in May.

1) It is an outstanding result even for a compact automobile engine: for example, a 170 hp engine gives not less than 45 hp while idling (i.e. about 25% of nominal power).

2) The Interblock engineering company provides the warranty period of 2 years for all equipment supplied.

23 Novaya Basmannaya St., bld. 1À, Moscow 107078, Russian Federation.
Tel.: (007) 495 728 92 93, (007) 495 722 72 86
Fax: (007) 472 542 79 01

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